Vinsensius Widdy Tri Prasetyo


The purposes of this study are (1) to search the product attributes of sambal pecel based on customers’ perception and (2) to identify the need of customers on sambal pecel. The  respondents of the research are Madiun communities (n1, n2) as well as producers and sellers of sambal pecel (n3). The sample n1 = 100 is meant to find the product attributes of sambal pecel; the sample n2 = 30 is meant to know the importance level of the product attributes of sambal pecel, and the sample n3 = 30 is meant to identify technical respond of the attributes and the importance level of the product of sambal pecel. Those samples were collected using convenience sampling technique. While, the data analysis employed descriptive method. The results indicated that the attributes which determine costumers to consume sambal pecel are the flavor (of jeruk purut leaf), the colour (reddish brown), the taste (hot and sweet) and the texture (soft). Then, the factor  that supports the flavor of jeruk purut leaf is the application of the leaf and fruit of jeruk purut. The factors that support the colour are the type of the nut, Java sugar, big red chili, and the frying process.The factors that support the flavor spicy are acid fruit, salt, garlic, Java sugar, kencur, big red chili, small chili and the frying process. The factor that supports the texture is the milling process.         


identification, consumers’ need, sambal pecel

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LP3M Unika Widya Mandala Madiun