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2024-05-08T18:54:30Z 2024-01-10T08:42:39Z educatiovitae:ART 2023-07-03T02:54:44Z jrma:ART 2024-01-10T08:42:39Z educatiovitae:ART 2023-07-25T04:33:10Z biospektrum:ART 2024-01-11T08:59:01Z educatiovitae:ART 2023-10-22T16:45:15Z biospektrum:ART 2024-02-12T08:48:30Z educatiovitae:ART 2024-01-10T08:42:39Z educatiovitae:ART 2023-02-21T03:13:13Z jrma:ART 2020-06-23T05:27:23Z warta:ART
PERAN KONSELOR MELALUI BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMATANGAN EMOSI SISWA SMA KATOLIK SANTO BONAVENTURA MADIUN Sri Rahayu, Dwi Yeni Susilaningsih, Chaterin Role of Counselors; Group Guidance; Emotional Maturity This study aimed to: 1) determine the emotional maturity level of Santo Bonaventura Catholic High School students in Madiun City, 2) describe the extent to which the role of counselors through counseling could improve the emotional maturity of class 11 of SMA Santo Bonaventura senior high school in Madiun City. The design of this study used experimental research methods; one group of students were pre-tested, treated, and post-tested; afterwards, before and after conditions were compared. The samples in this study were 10 students who had low emotional maturity scores. This study also used quantitative analysis with the Standard formula for the Mean Difference (t-test) to find the mean difference before and after being given treatment through group guidance. The results of this study used the Paired T Test. The result of the average emotional maturity of students after being given group guidance was 58.22, whereas the average before being given group guidance was 52.66. Based on table 4.6, the result of statistical calculations obtained by the value of t count was -2.992. The probability value was 0.017 0.05. Accordingly, it can be stated that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means the role of counselor through group guidance can increase students' emotions. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 02 Tahun XLIII/Juli 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-08-19T07:07:34Z warta:ART
FAKTOR KEUANGAN DAN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP INTERNET FINANCIAL AND SUSTAINIBILITY REPORTING (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Listed di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2016) Immanuela, Intan Purbandari, Theresia profitability; governance committee; Internet Financial and Sustainability Reporting (IFSR) The company has the responsibility towards stakeholders to convey information, both financial reports and other important information. Disclosure of financial and non-financial information is known as Internet Financial and Sustainability Reporting (IFSR). This study examined the effect of financial factors and corporate governance on Internet Financial and Sustainability Reporting (IFSR). The sample used was a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Hypothesis testing used multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the variables of company size, profitability, institutional ownership, governance committee, and audit committee had no effect on Internet Financial and Sustainability Reporting (IFSR). In contrast, the board of commissioner variable had a positive effect on Internet Financial and Sustainability Reporting (IFSR). Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-08-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 1 (2021): No. 01 Tahun XLV / Januari 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2019-11-16T01:47:30Z warta:ART
ANALISIS PERBEDAAN FIRM FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH INDONESIA MOST VALUABLE BRANDS PADA PERUSAHAAN BEI Widiasmara, Anny Sudrajat, M.Agus Firm Financial Performance, Indonesia Most value brands Brand is an intangible asset. Therefore, managing it is not an easy and trivial thing. Willingness in calculating Brand value and learning it is the key to success which is the first step towards a strong and reliable company, Value brand is a key aspect in creating a company's competitive advantage and hence it is important to generate income flows in the future. The purpose of this study was to analyze differences between Financial Performance Before and After Indonesia Most Valuable Brands in IDX Companies This research was conducted at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) which provided financial report information and annual reports on its official website at This research was conducted before Indonesia Most Valuable Brands in IDX Companies in 2011-2013 and after Indonesia Most Valuable Brands In the IDX Company in 2014-2016, the sample was purposive sampling, a company that consistently entered the Top 10 of Indonesia Most Valuable Brands and was listed on the Stock Exchange from 2014-2016. The company submits financial statements in rupiah, Firm Financial performance variables are proxyed with Current Ratio, Return on Asset, Book Value per share, EBITDA. The data collection technique uses secondary data, paired sample t-test, the results of this study that there are differences in the current ratio, return on assets, book value per share and EBITDA before and after most valuable brands so that previous research stated that brands could increase Firm Financial Performance was received Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-01-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIII/Januari 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-05-10T02:45:40Z warta:ART
EFEK AFRODISIAKA DARI PERBEDAAN WAKTU PEMBERIAN SEDIAAN INFUSA CAMPURAN AKAR PURWOCENG (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb.), RIMPANG JAHE MERAH (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), DAN BUAH CABE JAWA (Piper retrofractum Vahl.) TERHADAP TIKUS PUTIH JANTAN Budiawan, Antonius Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb); red ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.); javanese long pepper (Piper retrofractum Vahl.), aphrodisiac, infusion, time of administration Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb.), red ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), and javanese long pepper (Piper retrofractum Vahl.) have been investigated for their aphrodisiac properties. This study aimed to determine the time of administration and duration of purwoceng root, javanese long pepper fruit, and red ginger rhizome mixture infusion that provide the highest aphrodisiac effect. Twenty five males of Wistar strain white rats were divided into five groups consisting of five rats. Group I: positive control(PASAKBUWONOCENG®), group II: negative control (water), group III: 1-time dose dosage(2.4grams) in the morning, group IV: 1-time dose dosage (2,4grams) in the afternoon, and group V: half dose dosage (1,2grams) in the morning and a half dose dosage (1,2grams) in the afternoon. The study was conducted for seven days. The infusion preparation was given every day for five days, starting on the second day of the study. The rats' climbing frequencies were observed and recorded on the day 0, 2, 4, and 6. The results showed that the purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb.), red ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), and javanese long pepper (Piper retrofractum Vahl.) mixture infusion had the aphrodisiac effect. One dose dosage (2,4grams) in the afternoon of infusion showed the highest aphrodisiac effect. The length of the day of infusion that showed the highest aphrodisiac effect was the fourth day. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-07-10 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2020): No. 02 Tahun XLIV/Juli 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-01-19T03:41:25Z warta:ART
KEBERHASILAN KONSELING DITINJAU DARI TAHAP PEMBINAAN HUBUNGAN DAN TATA RUANG BK Trisuko Nugroho, Felix the success of counseling; relationship coaching phase; spatial guidance and counceling This  study  aims  to  analyze  the development  phase  and  spatial  relationship  of  guidance  and counseling  influence  on  the  success  of  counseling.  The  population  in  this  study  were  all students  of  SMPN  2  Kabupaten  Sleman  in  2016/2017  academic  year  consisting  of  93 students.  The  sampling  technique  used  by  the  author  was  saturation  sampling.  The  data, which  were  obtained  by  using  scales  of  questionnaires,  were  counseling  relationship  scale, spatial  scale,  and  counseling  scale.  The  data  were  analyzed  using  multiple  linear  regression techniques.  The  model  of  regression  equation  was  Y=11  940+0326+1266.  Further  analysis results showed that:           1) the success of counseling led to counseling relationship phase, proven  t  hit=3782  (p0,05),    2)  spatial  guidance  and  counseling  influenced  the  success  of counseling,  proven  t  hit=8076  (p0,05),  3)  development  phase  and  spatial  relationships  of guidance and counseling influenced the success of counseling, proven t hit=76830(p 0,05) Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIV/Januari 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2020-06-23T05:40:14Z warta:ART
ANALISIS FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI MAHASISWA REGULERMEMILIH STUDI DI UNIVERSITAS DARUSSALAM GONTOR Agung Khoirudin, Imron Amalia Kurniawan, Dhika performance image; quality of education; decision making. This study aimed to determine the effect of pesantren university image and quality of education on the decision of regular students to choose pesantren universities at University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor Ponorogo. This research was motivated by 1) high interest of individuals to pursue their education to pesantren based university, 2) inadequate amount of Islamic boarding schools or pesantren in Indonesia. 3) increasing number of regular students at University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor through-out the year, 4) institutional image and quality of education able to influence students' decision making on choosing pesantren universities. The population in this study were regular students (non graduates of Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School) who were active from 2014 to 2017 whose total was 174 students. Using Non-probability sampling techniques, this research took samples from regular students in semester 3 to 8 considering that students in semester 1 or 2 were on an adjustment period. Data analysis techniques used included validity test, reliability test, classical assumptions test, and multiple linear regression. The result indicated that the university image variable had positive and significance effect on decision making of regular students in choosing pesantren universities and the quality of education variable also had positive and significant effect on decision of regular students in choosing pesantren universities at University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor. Furthermore the most impactful variables to the decision making of regular student in choosing pesantren university was the quality of education variable. Subsequently those results have suggestions as follows: (1) University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor should always increase the factors which influence positive vibes on interest of regular students in deciding to take undergraduate degrees in that particular university. (2) Variables and indicators in this research are universal and un-bind, hence further research are expected  to add more variables in order to obtain results able to develop a model in the study. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 02 Tahun XLIII/Juli 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-10-18T03:43:01Z warta:ART
PENYIMPANGAN BERBAHASA PADA TATARAN MORFOLOGI DALAM TABLOID NYATA Rustiati, Rustiati language deviation This research aimed to determine language deviation at the morphology level in Nyata tabloids and their corrections. This research was qualitative descriptive research with data in the form of monomorphic and polymorphic words from Nyata tabloids published in February 2019. The results of this research were language deviations at morphology level included (1) the removal of affixes in the form of prefix removal and confix removal, (2) the replacement of morph that consisted of prefix and confix, and the abbreviated morph. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-07-18 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2021): No. 02 Tahun XLV/Juli 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2020-06-23T05:19:35Z warta:ART
LAMAN WORD PRESS SEBAGAI MEDIA BELAJAR DALAM KEGIATAN EKSTRAKURIKULER MENULIS DI ERA DIGITAL Wina Saputra, Ardi pages; online media; extracurricular; digital era Digitalization has entered all lines of life. One of them is education. The purpose of this study was to determine the benefits of wordpress pages as a medium for learning extracurricular activities in the digital age. The method used in this research was literature study. The results of this study were to find out the benefits of the wordpress page in terms of elements, types, features, and all other devices. This research can be used as a recommendation for educators to use wordpress pages as learning media and extracurricular activities. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 02 Tahun XLIII/Juli 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-08-19T06:54:34Z warta:ART
PERTUMBUHAN SAWI HIJAU (Brassica juncea L.) PADA MEDIA DENGAN PEMBERIAN KOMPOS CAMPURAN LIMBAH BLOTONG, AMPAS TEBU, DAN GULMA PAITAN (Tithonia diversifolia) Purwaningsih, Ch. Endang mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.); bagasse; filter mud; paitan (Tithonia diversifolia); growth and productivity This study aimed to assess the growth of mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.) in the compost-treated soil growing medium in the form of a mixture of filter mud and bagasse, with paitan (Tithonia diversifolia) weed. The research was conducted with a completely randomized design (CRD) with 7 treatments, each with 3 replications, namely: K1: control, 3 kg of lean soil without fertilizer; B1: soil with 25% bagasse and paitan compost; B2: soil with 50% bagasse and paitan compost; B3: soil with 75% bagasse and paitan compost; C1: soil with 25% filter mud and paitan compost; C2: soil with 50% filter mud and paitan compost; C3: soil with 75% filter mud and paitan compost. Planted in a polybag in a greenhouse. Growth parameters included plant height, number of leaves, and leaf area, while the productivity parameter is fresh plant weight. The results showed that the mustard greens plant in treatment B1 produced the best growth in the number of leaves (14.67 leaves), total leaf area (2389.00 cm2), and fresh plant weight (319.33 g). While the best plant height was found in B3 treatment (38.33 cm). Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 1 (2021): No. 01 Tahun XLV / Januari 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2019-11-16T01:41:39Z warta:ART
KARAKTERISASI MATRIKS ATAS SEMIRING DALAM SISTEM PERSAMAAN LINEAR Ariyanti, Gregoria semiring, linear equations system, matrix A Semiring is an algebraic structure such that is a commutative Semigroup with identity element 0, is a Semigroup with identity element 1, distributive property of multiplication over addition and multiplication by 0 as a absorbent element in . A linear equations system over a Semiring is a pair where is a matrix with entries in and is a vector over . In this paper will be described characterization of matrix that satisfies , with , as necessary or sufficient conditions of solution of linear equations system over Semiring . For a matrix that satisfies , a linear equations system has solution with arbitrary in if and only if . Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-11-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIII/Januari 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-05-10T02:36:40Z warta:ART
AN ANALYSIS ON THE TRANSLATION OF BILINGUAL CHILDREN’S STORY BOOK Meilasari, Priska translation shift; category shift; bilingual; children book Buku cerita anak-anak dua bahasa (Indonesia-Inggris) tidak begitu sulit ditemukan di pasaran saat ini. Buku cerita dua bahasa semacam ini diharapkan dapat menjadi jembatan bagi anak-anak untuk mengenal bahasa asing khususnya bahasa Inggris sejak dini. Namun, seringkali, penerjemahan buku cerita yang ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan kemudian diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris mengalami pergeseran (shift). Dengan adanya pergeseran tersebut, pembaca buku cerita anak-anak tentu harus menyesuaikan diri dan mulai memahami adanya perbedaan sistem bahasa antara bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pergeseran apa saja yang terjadi dalam penerjemahan cerita anak-anak dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris, pergeseran apa yang paling banyak terjadi dan perbedaan sistem bahasa apa yang paling menonjol. Pergeseran yang ditemukan pada cerita anak-anak dalam penelitian dikelompokkan berdasarkan teori pergeseran Catford (dalam Hatim Munday, 2004). Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pergeseran yang paling banyak terjadi adalah pergeseran structural (structure shift). Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-07-10 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2020): No. 02 Tahun XLIV/Juli 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-01-19T03:37:43Z warta:ART
RESOURCE BASED-VIEW(RBV) DAN KAPABILITAS INOVASI UKM DI KOTA MADIUN Laurens Paulus, Ardianus human capital; structural capital; relational capital; innovation capability; RBV The Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector is one of the backbone of the Indonesian economy and there are still many weaknesses, especially in small cities and underdeveloped areas.Many SMEs engaged in the same industry, however there are those who are successful and  not successful.The study analyzes the effect of resource-based views consisting of human capital, structural capital and relational capital on the innovation capabilities of SMEs in the Madiun  City.  The  analysis  unit  is  the  owner  of  SME’s  business  with  the  sampling  of  120 respondents. The sampling technique was purposive sampling and the surveys was taken by using  questionnaires.  Multiple  regression  analysis  was  employed  to  process  the  data.This study provides results that RBV theory that consist of human capital, structural capital and relational capital has no impact on the innovation capabilities of SMEs in Madiun. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIV/Januari 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-10-18T03:50:03Z warta:ART
FACE THREATENING ACT STRATEGIES FOR HUMOROUS EFFECT IN RAGE COMICS Widiana, Yuli Tindak Pengancaman Muka; rage comic; humor; kesantunan; pragmatik Rage comic adalah salah satu publikasi populer di ranah internet yang memiliki ciri khusus yang membedakannya dari genre komik lainnya. Ciri khususnya adalah terdapatnya ekspresi kemarahan dari tokoh dalam komik tersebut yang menjadi bagian penting dari Rage Comic. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Face Threatening Act (FTA) atau Tindak Pengancaman Muka (TPA) yang terdapat dalam Rage Comic sebagai strategi untuk menciptakan ekspresi kemarahan yang memberikan efek humor dalam komik tersebut. Jenis TPA dalam Rage Comic diklasifikasikan berdasarkan strategi kesantunan Brown Levinson (1987) yang terdiri atas Bald On-Record FTA, FTA against Positive Politeness,   FTA against Negative Politeness, dan Off  Record or Indirect FTA. Temuan penting dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapatnya jenis TPA yang lain yang disebut Unintentional FTA. TPA jenis ini terjadi secara tidak sengaja. Strategi TPA diterapkan untuk menghasilkan ironi,  penghinaan, dan penderitaan yang menyebabkan terjadinya ekspresi kemarahan yang justru merupakan efek humor dalam Rage Comic. Pada dasarnya Rage Comics adalah realisasi kesantunan yang berwujud satire yang bertujuan untuk menyadarkan orang untuk memperbaiki kesalahan dalam hidup. Dengan demikian, pesan yang tersirat dalam Rage Comic dapat menjadi pemicu adanya revolusi mental untuk hidup lebih baik. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-07-18 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2021): No. 02 Tahun XLV/Juli 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2020-06-23T05:30:34Z warta:ART
PEMANFAATAN FACEBOOK UNTUK PEMASARAN PRODUK USAHA JAHIT RUMAHAN KOTA MADIUN BERBASIS MODEL AIDA Liris Windyaningrum, Theresia Ariyani, Vivi Kurniawati, Dyah marketing of SMEs; benefit of facebook; AIDA models; sewing businesses, tailors Nowdays, product marketing can be carried out not only with offline which is conventional but also with online using social media for wider marketing coverage. This study aimed to determine the benefits of social media, especially facebook, in the RyzhaModestahome sewing business in raising customer orders and family revenue as well. By using the AIDA model, it was found that in the home sewing business there was any increase in product sales, which was marked by the increasing number of consumer orders. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 02 Tahun XLIII/Juli 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-08-19T07:08:53Z warta:ART
HUBUNGAN ANTARA KECERDASAN EMOSI DAN PENYESUAIAN SOSIAL PADA MAHASISWA RANTAU TAHUN PERTAMA Helfi Yuliyanti, Marietha Santosa Sudagijono, Jaka Anwar Dani, Robik Emotional Intelligence; First Batch Overseas Students; Social Adjustment This research aimed to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and social adjustment in the first batch of overseas students in Madiun City. The research hypothesis was the relationship between emotional intelligence and social adjustment in the first batch of overseas students in Madiun City. The number of subjects in this study was 50 people taken based on total sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Data collection in this study used the emotional intelligence scale and social adjustment scale. Validity testing with a limit of 0.25 found as many as 47 valid items on the emotional intelligence scale and 58 valid items on the social adjustment scale. Reliability testing with Alpha Chronbach values 0.07. The reliability on the emotional intelligence scale was 0.902, and on the social adjustment scale was 0.936. Hypothesis testing in this study used product-moment techniques from Karl Pearson, obtained significance of 0,000 (p 0.05) and rt was greater than ro (rt=0,517 ro(α=0,05)=0,273). In conclusion, there was a positive and significant relationship between social adjustment and emotional intelligence in the first batch of overseas students in Madiun City. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 1 (2021): No. 01 Tahun XLV / Januari 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2019-11-16T01:48:38Z warta:ART
PENGARUH STATUS SOSIAL EKONOMI DAN JENIS KELAMIN TERHADAP LITERASI KEUANGAN (STUDI EKSPERIMEN PADA PELAKU UMKM DI MADIUN) Ahmadi, Herman Nur Sulistyowati, Liliek socioeconomic status, gender, financial literacy Financial intelligence is the key to one's success in managing finances. the application of correct financial management, is expected to be able to get maximum benefits from the money they have, bills that swell and the ability to pay low will cause bad credit. The phenomenon of high non-performing loans shows that the financial literacy of some people, especially SME is low.  The objectives of this study are (1) To examine the effect of Financial Literacy on SME in Madiun on high or low socio-economic status, (2) Test the influence of Financial Literacy on SME players in Madiun on male SME actors or female SME actors, (3) Test influences Financial Literacy in SME in Madiun for SME business men with high socioeconomic status compared to female SME with low economic social status, (4) Testing the influence of Financial Literacy on SME entrepreneurs in Madiun for SME Women with socioeconomic status high compared to male SME actors with low socioeconomic status. This study used an experiment 2x2 between subjects. Laboratory experiments namely Experiments were designed using two, namely: socio-economic status (High, low) and Gender (male, female).  Participants were SME in Madiun city with 50 business units in processed food production,experimental furniture samples using random sampling, to classify subjects into experimental groups or control groups. As a result there were significant differences between male and female financial literacy, there were influences significant between high social status and low social status on financial literacy, men have a higher average financial literacy compared to  women, men with high social  status  are  higher  than women with low social status  evidenced  by  (mean = 20,7368)   higher   than    the low  social  status (mean = 18.0833),  women with high social status are higher than male gender with  low  social  status  as  evidenced  by  men  having an  average  financial  literacy (mean=20.6154)higher than women(mean=18.0833). Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-01-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIII/Januari 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-05-10T02:51:26Z warta:ART
STUDI ETNOBIOLOGI TANAMAN PADI Eladisa Ganjari, Leo ethnobiology; paddy plant; culture The rice crop has long been known by the world community, specifically in Indonesia.  Knowledge of rice plants that support cultivation and utilization has been initially passed down through generations. This research aimed to explore the cultural potential (ETNO) related to the biology of rice plants. The results showed the existence of ethnobiological activity in Indonesia. It was reflected in the culture (ETNO) ceremony or traditions. It turned out that in Indonesia, there were many local rice fields with ecotourism (agroecosystems). The presence of culture (ETNO) that continues to be done will support the existence of rice crop biodiversity. Thus, a rice-plant ethnobiology study needs to be developed to support cultural preservation and nature preservation. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-07-10 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2020): No. 02 Tahun XLIV/Juli 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-01-19T03:42:17Z warta:ART
VALIDASI METODE ANALISIS SPEKTROFLUOROMETRI UNTUK PENETAPAN KADAR SIPROFLOKSASIN GENERIK DALAM SAMPEL URINMANUSIA Dwi Cahyani, Erlien Spectrofluorometry; Ciprofloxacin; Method Validation; Urine Sample Ciprofloxacin tablet generic usage has been increasing recently due to its economically reason. The generic tablet needed to assure its bioequivalence towards the innovator, one of them by determining  total  amount  of  ciprofloxacin  excreted  in  urine.  The  aim  of  this  research  was  to validate  the  simple,  selective  and  sensitive  spectrofluorometric  analysis  method  to  determine total  amount  of  ciprofloxacin  excreted  in  human  urine  sample  that can  be  developed  for bioequivalence  study  purpose.    Urine  samples  were  obtained  from  the  subjects  of  six  healthy men  who  were  asked  to  take  ciprofloxacin  tablet.  The  assay  of  ciprofloxacin  in  tablet preparation  were  tested  its  validation  according  to  linearity,  accuracy,  precision,  limits  of detection  (LOD)  and  limits  of  quantitative  (LOQ).  The  validation  parameter  with  analysis method  obtained  linear  regression  curve  Y  =  0,6878X  +  2,8332  (r  =  0,9994)  with  limits  of detection  and  limits  of  quantitation  were0,0721  μg/ml  and  0,2402  μg/ml  respectively, coefficient  of  variation  of  0,0036%,  and  accuracy  value  of  92,81  %.  The  total  amount  of ciprofloxacin excreted was within the range of 270,19 μg/ml to 341,91 μg/ml. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIV/Januari 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-01-19T02:13:40Z warta:ART
KORELASI PERSEPSI SISWA TERHADAP LAYANAN KONSELING INDIVIDUAL DENGAN MINAT BERKONSELING PADA SISWA SMK PGRI WONOASRI KABUPATEN MADIUN TAHUN PELAJARAN 2017/2018 Mudjijanti, Fransisca students’ perception; counseling interests The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  obtain  an  description  on  students'  perceptions  towards individual  counseling  services  and  students'  counseling  interests  and  then  to  analyze whether there was a correlation between students' perceptions towards individual counseling services with counseling interests on the students of SMK PGRI Wonoasri Madiun Regency in  2017/2018  Academic  Year,  using  cluster  random  sampling  obtained  from  118  students. The description of students' perceptions towards individual counseling services is positive in the very high category and students' counseling interests are generally in the high category. The  research  hypothesis  "Students'  perceptions  towards  individual  counseling  services correlate  with  students'  counseling  interests  of  SMK  PGRI  Wonoasri  Madiun  Regency  in 2017/2018" is proven. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIV/Januari 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-10-18T03:44:06Z warta:ART
GAMBARAN FENOMENA FEAR OF MISSING OUT (FoMO) PADA GENERASI Z DI KALANGAN MAHASISWA Cahyadi, Andi Generation Z; students; Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) This research was descriptive quantitative research. The purpose of this study was to describe the phenomenon of Fear of Missing Out in generation Z among college students. The subjects of this study were 277 college students which were selected through purposive random sampling, with criteria such as 19-23 years of age, male and female sex, college students who were still actively studying in Madiun, and active users of social media The FoMO scale used in data collection of this study was made by the researcher himself with reference to three aspects presented by Przyblylski, et al. Based on the trial results, the FoMO scale had high validity and reliability, namely with the internal consistency of .758, with the correlation coefficient of total statement items ranging from .343 to .599. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The result showed that there were 86.64% or a total of 240 subjects showing symptoms of FoMO in the sufficient category. Based on gender classification, it was found that out of 48 male students, 87.5% or a total of 42 subjects showed symptoms of FoMO in the sufficient category. While out of 229 female students, there were 86.46% or a total of 198 subjects showing symptoms of FoMO in the moderate category.   Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-07-18 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2021): No. 02 Tahun XLV/Juli 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2020-06-23T05:21:44Z warta:ART
KADAR TRIGLISERIDA MENCIT SETELAH PEMBERIAN AIR PERASAN DAUN KETEPENG (Cassia alata) Adhy Nugroho, Christianto ketepeng; triglyceride; lipid The extraordinary development of technology makes all human needs can be afforded easily by gadgets. The exixtence of gadgets can reduce human physical activities that lead to health assault, namely dylipidemia. Increasing or decreasing fat fractions in blood vessels is one of its symptoms. One of the fat fractions is trigycerides. The ketepeng plant which contains active substance such as flavonoids, tannis, and saponine have been widely used for medical treatment. This study aimed to determine the ability of ketepeng juice in reducing triglyceride levels.In this study, the tested animals in group 1 were treated with high-fat feed, the ones in group 2 were given high-fat feed, and the ones in group 3 were given high-fat feed and ketepeng leaf juice concentration of 25% (w / v), namely 0.5 ml / 20 grams BW. The results showed that the juice of ketepeng leaves could reduce the triglyceride levels of mice. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 02 Tahun XLIII/Juli 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-08-19T06:56:22Z warta:ART
VALIDASI METODE ANALISIS SPEKTROFOTOMETRI UNTUK PENETAPAN KADAR FORMALDEHID DALAM IKAN ASIN DENGAN PEREAKSI ASAM KROMOTROPAT Indriasari, Christina spectrophotometry; formaldehyde; method validation; salted fish Formaldehyde is in the form of clear dilution, uncolored or nearly uncolored, pungent, and the vapor stimulates the mucous membranes of the nose and throat as well as stimulates the release of tears. If it is frozen, it becomes turbid. Formaldehyde has an ability as a disinfectant but it is often misused as a preservative of food, such as salted fish. This research aimed to validate the simple, selective, and sensitive spectrophotometry analysis method to determine the total amount of formaldehyde in the sample of salted fish with chromotropic acid reagent. The three types of the salted fish were Jambal, Peda, and Squid samples, in the preparation tested for validation according to linearity, accuracy, and precision. The validation parameter with analysis method obtained linear regression curve Y = 0,0361 + 0,0,0964x (r = 0,9982). The accuracy based on the percent recovery price (% recovery) was 96,04%, and the precision value with the obtained variation coefficient value was 0,0076 ± 1,83%. The total amount of formaldehyde excreted was within the range of 10,85 ppm to 68,20 ppm. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 1 (2021): No. 01 Tahun XLV / Januari 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2019-11-16T01:42:58Z warta:ART
MIKROHABITAT DAN POLA PERUSAKAN DAUN OLEH SERANGGA FITOFAGUS KUMBANG KURA-KURA (Aspidomorpha sanctaecrucis F. dan Aspidomorpha miliaris F.) PADA TANAMAN KANGKUNG PAGAR (Ipomoea carnea) Eladisa Ganjari, Leo Aspidomorpha, Ipomea carnea, phytophagus, microhabitat Ganjari’s study 2014), found two species of turtle beetles (Aspidomorpha sanctaecrucis F. and Aspidomorpha miliaris F)  lived on the fence-water spinach (Ipomoea carnea). By finding them on the fence-water spinach the researcher wanted to phytophage insects live in microhabitat and to find out the potternaf leaves damage. The purpose of  the  study was to find out answers of the problems formulated. The method use wle beettles as  by observasing two mature of  turtle beetles in the isolation cages. The conclusion of the study found that  dimensional microhabitat in the turtle betles species that live on the on the fence-water spinach was overlapped . the pottern of leaves damages of the two species was different character. The pottern of leaves damages of Aspidomorpha sanctaecrucis F, could be seen from the edge of the leaves while the pottern of leaves demages of Aspidomorpha miliaris F could be seen from the middle of the leaves. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-11-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIII/Januari 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-05-10T02:37:35Z warta:ART
PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN DENGAN STRUKTUR MODAL SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING Ariyani, Vivi Kurniawati, Dyah Sukoco, Y. Djoko Profitability; Capital Structure; Company Value This study aimed to analyze the effect of profitability on firm value with capital structure as an intervening variable. It used a purposive sampling technique, and the object in this study was the financial company in the period of 2015-2016, with the type of panel data of 170. The results of this study were profitability had a positive effect on capital structure and firm value directly. In contrast, the capital structure as an intervening variable of the effect of profitability on firm value was not proven. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-07-10 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2020): No. 02 Tahun XLIV/Juli 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-01-19T03:38:50Z warta:ART
KONSEP ANALISIS LOKASI FASILITAS JARINGANPENGELOLAAN LIMBAH KOTA Setya Murdapa, Petrus municipal wastewater; ground water; clean water; wastewater pipe network; maximum covering problem Ground  water  is  actually  a  source  of  clean  water.  As  a  source,  it  should  not  be  polluted  by wastewater. However, as the population grows, the discharge of wastewater will also increase. Municipal  wastewater  must  bespecifically  managed  so  that  its  disposal  does  not  mix  with groundwater  by  providing  a  special  pipeline  to  drain  and  collect  municipal  wastewater  to collection   and   processing   facilities,   before   finally   being   discharged   into   rivers   or   the environment afterconditions are safe. This wastewater treatment pipeline network resembles a commodity distribution network from industry to consumers. By analogy and adjustment, the maximum covering solution method can be used to design the location of the facility and the waste treatment plant. The goal is to obtain the lowest possible length of pipe, which covers all municipal  wastewater  sources,  namely  settlements  and  other  public  facilities.  The  analysis must  be  carried  out  in  two  stages,  which  in  this  paper  are  called  level-1  and  level-2.  In  this paper, only the basic concepts of the study are revealed. Simple case examples and numerical solutions are briefly revealed Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIV/Januari 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-10-18T03:51:12Z warta:ART
STUDI DESKRIPTIF KESEHATAN MENTAL REMAJA Mariska Aryono, Marcella adolescents; early adolescents; mental health; well-being The main objective of this study was to determine the mental health of early adolescents in Surabaya. This study was a quantitative descriptive research.  A total 750 respondents were involved in this study throughout purposive sampling technique who had characteristics aged 11 to 15 years, able to read and write, and lived with their parents. The Mental Health Continuum - Short Form (MHC-SF) were administered to determine the mental health of adolescents.  The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. Based on the result of the data analysis, it could be concluded that 577 early adolescents (76,93%) in Surabaya fit the criteria for flourishing. This means that adolescents are able to achieve well-being but they still need to develop skills which can enhance the social well-being. The rest of the findings revealed that  21,73% fit the criteria of moderate mental healthy category and 1,33%. fit the criteria of languishing category. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-07-18 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2021): No. 02 Tahun XLV/Juli 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2020-06-23T05:31:50Z warta:ART
PENGARUH RELATIONSHIP MARKETING TERHADAP CUSTOMER RETENTION DAN CUSTOMER LOYALTY (Studi Empiris pada Nasabah Bank Central Asia Cabang Madiun) Kurniawati, Dyah relationship marketing; customer retention and customer loyalty The purpose of this study was to analyze (1) the direct effect of relationship marketing on customer retention and customer loyalty, (2) the effect of customer retention on customer loyalty, (3) the indirect effect of variable relationship marketing on customer loyalty through customer retention. The samples in this study were BCA customers at Madiun Branch with accidental sampling techniques. The results of the study found that relationship marketing directly affected customer retention and customer loyalty in a positive direction. Customer retention had an immediate effect on customer loyalty, and relationship marketing had an indirect effect on customer loyalty through customer retention. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 02 Tahun XLIII/Juli 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-08-19T07:10:08Z warta:ART
PERAN SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENJUALAN LATUSHA HIJAB PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Nurul Khotimah, Siti Wiranti, Ayu Wahyuningsih, Wahyuningsih Salsabila, Amelia Prasetyo, Adhy Social Media Marketing; Increase in Sales; Covid-19 pandemic; Muslim Fashion Products The increasing number of internet user penetration in Indonesia due to the Covid-19 pandemic with 51.1% of its activities spent on accessing social media and business trends in the fashion product sector in 2020 was seen as an opportunity by Latusha Hijab to start a business. This study aimed to know the role of social media marketing in increasing sales of Muslim fashion support products during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research was conducted by the method of observation and direct interviews with the owner of the online shop Latusha Hijab. The results showed that Latusha Hijab relied 100% on social media and internet networks in running its business. It was also known that the social media marketing implemented by Latusha Hijab was able to increase the number of sales of hijab products. However, there were still many that need to be optimized so that they could achieve sales targets.  Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 1 (2021): No. 01 Tahun XLV / Januari 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2019-11-16T01:49:52Z warta:ART
PENGARUH KAPSUL EKSTRAK TEMULAWAK (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) TERHADAP KADAR LDL DAN HDL KOLESTEROL PADA MENCIT HIPERLIPIDEMIA Nurcahyani, Diah Hyperlipidemia, Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhizaRoxb.), HDL, LDL. Hyperlipidemia is an increase in blood lipid levels. Hyperlipidemia is strongly associated with changes in HDL levels and increases in LDL levels. One alternative natural ingredient to  reduce cholesterol levels in the blood is ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhizaRoxb.). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of capsules of temulawak extract (Curcuma xanthorrhizaRoxb.) on decreasing LDL and HDL cholesterol levels in hyperlipidemic mice. This study used 12 mice (Mus musculus L.). Models of hyperlipidemia animals were made with induction of egg yolk for 7 days. Therapy was carried out for 7 days with a curcuma xanthorrhizaRoxb extract capsule of 3x0.2 ml / day and 3x0.4 ml / day. The analysis used in this study is the One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Duncan's advanced test for LDL and HDL levels. The results of the data analysis can be concluded that the curcuma xanthorrhizaRoxb Extract capsule significantly reduced LDL levels and significantly increased HDL levels in hyperlipidemic mice (Mus musculus L.). Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-01-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIII/Januari 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-05-10T02:59:11Z warta:ART
WUJUD PILIHAN BAHASA MASYARAKAT KOTA PEKALONGAN ETNIS JAWA–TIONGHOA DALAM RANAH PERDAGANGAN Adyana, M.Pd., Sulis speech community; the form of language selection; trade domain Pekalongan society is a multiethnic and multilingual society, including Javanese and Chinese. Language selection in multilingual communities is necessary so that the communication runs smoothly in accordance with the purpose. Speakers and interlocutors in Pekalongan City have differences in culture and ethnics. In this case, the language choice used in a multilingual society is based on the utterance's context and purpose. The condition of Pekalongan City, which is multiethnic and multilingual, raises inter-ethnic language contact. Language contact makes the speakers and interlocutors need to determine the appropriate use of language choice. The process of language selection is done to determine which languages are appropriate to use in the speech events of trade domain. This study aimed to describe the form of language choice of Javanese and Chinese ethnic groups in Pekalongan City in the trade domain. The data in this study were the fragments of the utterances in the trade domain, which were collected by observing method and were applied recording technique as the basic technique. Then, it was continued with further techniques, namely observation technique, recording technique, and noting technique. Furthermore, the data analysis was conducted by ethnographic methods. The forms of language choice of Javanese and Chinese ethnics in Pekalongan City in the trade domain were intra-language variations, code-switching, and code-mixing. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-07-10 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2020): No. 02 Tahun XLIV/Juli 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-05-10T02:20:12Z warta:ART
ANALISIS TEKS LAGU ANAK-ANAK DAN KANDUNGAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER Adhani, Agnes grammatical aspects; lexical aspects; social and cultural context; character education; children's song texts This study aimed to describe: (1) grammatical aspects, (2) lexical aspects, (3) contextual, and (4) the content of character education in children's song texts. This study included a descriptive qualitative study of ten song texts namely "Bintang Kejora", "Burung Kutilang", "Dua Mata Saya", "Kebunku", "Kring Kring", "Layang-Layang", "Naik Delman Istimewa", "Naik Gunung","Naik Kereta Api", and “Pelangi". The research results show that (1) grammatical aspects include (a) reference: personal, demonstrative, and comparative, (b) substitution, (c) ellipsis, (d) conjunction, and (e) repetition, (2) lexical aspects include (a) synonymy, (b) antonymy, (c) hyponymy, (d) collocation, (3) the contextual includes the social context of beauty, excitement and rural culture, and (4) the contents of character education include (a) caring, (b) tough, (c) creative, (d) religious, and (e) polite and communicative. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-07-10 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2020): No. 02 Tahun XLIV/Juli 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-01-19T03:29:58Z warta:ART
KESANTUNAN BERBAHASA MAHASISWA UNIKA WIDYA MANDALA MADIUN DALAM TUTURAN LANGSUNG Wijayanti, Wenny speaking; student; speech Language  has  function  as  acommunication  tool.  As  a  communication  tool,  there  are  several principles  that  need  to  be  considered  when  using  language.  In  college,  Bahasa  Indonesia becomes the compulsory course taken by the students. When using spoken language, students are likely to choose the incorrect words, do not know the situation when they communicate, and do not know the social status with the interlocutors. Based on these situations, the study aims to describe the form of compliance and the violation of the language use in the afternoon class and morning class. This research was a qualitative descriptive study with the data were in the form of students’ direct speech and the source of data was derived from the students taking the general course of Bahasa Indonesia. From the results of the research, it is  known that there are the  compliances  and  violations  of  the  politeness  principles.  The  compliances  of  politeness principles in the afternoon class were the compliances to the maxim of the agreement, tact, and approbation,  while  the  compliances  of  politeness  principles  in  the  morning  class  were  the compliances  to  the  maxim  of  agreement,  tact,  and  sympathy.  The  violations  of  politeness principles conducted by the students in the afternoon class were the violations to the maxim of approbation, sympathy, and tact, while the violations of politeness principles conducted by the students  in  the  morning  class  were  the  violations  to  the  maxim  of  tact,  modesty,  and approbation. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIV/Januari 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-10-18T03:45:00Z warta:ART
ANALISIS FAKTOR KEBERLANJUTAN BANK SAMPAH KOTA MADIUN (Studi Kasus pada Bank Sampah Matahari Madiun) Windyaningrum, Theresia Liris waste bank; Matahari Madiun Waste Bank; environmental empowerment, sustainability, sustainability development This study aimed to examine the factors that influenced the potential sustainability of a waste bank in Madiun, especially at the Bank Sampah Matahari Madiun through the role of the waste bank management. The research sample was management personnel of the Bank Sampah Matahari Madiun using saturated sampling. Methods of data analysis used regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of the analysis showed that the role of the management in planning and implementation of environmental empowerment had a significant impact simultaneously on the sustainability of the waste bank in Bank Sampah Matahari Madiun by 78,8%. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-07-18 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2021): No. 02 Tahun XLV/Juli 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2020-06-23T05:25:09Z warta:ART
MODUL KETERAMPILAN BINA DIRI ANAK RETARDASI MENTAL Tyas Leylasari, Herdina module; self help skills; mental retardation This research aimed to create a development module of a child with mental retardation for teachers and parents. This is a development research especially about a process or procedure to develop a new product. The data were collected in two steps, namely assessment and intervention. The assessment was done using interviews and observations. The intervention was conducted by applying evaluation on questionnaires concerning the module. Participants of this research were teachers and parents. The data analysis in the assessment made use of content analysis technique and the one in the intervention applied percentage calculation. The results of the assessment showed the problems experienced by teachers and parents in teaching self help skills. They were (a) less accurate assessment for seeing the competence of child with mental retardation, (b) insufficient supporting infrastructure, (c) less accurate learning curriculum, process, and evaluation. Likewise, the results of the intervention indicated that the module was quite helpful for the teachers and parents in teaching self-help skills. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 02 Tahun XLIII/Juli 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-08-19T07:04:44Z warta:ART
UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI FRAKSI DARI EKSTRAK TERAKTIF DAUN JENGKOL (Pithecollobium labatum Benth) TERHADAP Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 Cincin Kirana, Bida Jengkol leaf (Pithecollobium labatum Benth); Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853; diffusion This research aimed to know the antibacterial activity of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extracts from the jengkol leaf, which was the most active extract in inhibiting Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 bacteria; to know the fractions from most active extract of jengkol leaf which had antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853; and to know inhibitory zone broad and the class of compounds contained in most active fraction from most active extract which had antibacterial activity. Maceration of jengkol leaf extract with the soxhlet method in a phased used n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol solvent. The most active extract and fraction were tested for its antibacterial activity using the diffusion method. The most active extract was conducted separation by vacuum column chromatography which eluted gradiently with a solvent of increasing polarity. The separation results were monitored by thin-layer chromatography with the stationary phase of silica gel GF-254 and the mobile phase of chloroform: methanol (2:8). The most active fraction was identified for its chemical content. The research results obtained ethyl acetate extract of jengkol leaf had the greatest antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 compared with n-hexane and methanol extract. The most active fraction namely fraction IV, had average inhibitory diameter of 11,33 mm (3000 ppm); 13,33 mm (5000 ppm); 15,33 mm (7000 ppm). The class of chemical compounds contained in fraction IV were flavonoids and saponins. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 1 (2021): No. 01 Tahun XLV / Januari 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2019-11-16T01:43:58Z warta:ART
PEMAKAIAN ADVERBIA TUNGGAL DALAM NOVEL THE SOULS FANTASIA KARYA WINA BOJONEGORO Rustiati, Rustiati single adverb, syntactic behavior, meaning Adverb is one class of words or categories of words that are quite complicated to know and determine their word identities. Therefore, adverb needs to be studied. Adverb as a word class must be distinguished from information as a function of sentences. The researcher discussed a single adverb in basic form at the phrase level. In the phrase level, a single adverb described verbs, adjectives, nouns, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and particles.This study aims to describe single adverb types in Wina Bojonegoro's The Souls Fantasia novel, its syntactic behavior, and its relational meaning.The results of this study are that: (1) single adverb types have 14 types in 70 forms. The seventy forms described verba, adjectiva, noun, pronoun, numeralia, adverb, conjunctions, prepositions, and particles. (2) Seen from the syntactic behavior, a single adverb had a position on the left and to the right of the word described. Some positions on the left and on the right were strong and some others were not strong. (3) Adverb meanings can be seen from the semantic behavior of 28, namely the meaning of intimacy, beginning, continuity, obsolescence, frequency, certainty, possibility, necessity, qualitative, quantitative, limitation, ability, truth, habit, opposition, denial, prohibition, addition, prejudice and frequency, prejudice and limitation, continuity and qualitative, continuity and limitation, obsolescence and qualitative, certainty and limitation, qualitative and frequency, ability and addition, denial and frequency, prohibition and intimacy. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-01-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIII/Januari 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-05-10T02:38:34Z warta:ART
PENGARUH INTERNET FINANCIAL REPORTING (IFR) TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN, HARGA SAHAM, FREKUENSI PERDAGANGAN SAHAM, DAN RETURN SAHAM (STUDI EMPIRIS PADA PERUSAHAAN LQ45 TAHUN 2015 - 2018) Immanuela, Intan Purbandari, Theresia Internet Financial Reporting (IFR); company value This study aims to empirically prove the influence of Internet Financial Reporting (IFR) on company value, the effect of IFR on stock prices, the effect of IFR on stock trading frequency, and the effect of IFR on stock returns. This study used the data from the company's financial statements included in LQ45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2015-2018. The sampling technique used in this study was a purposive sampling method with several criteria, namely: 1) All companies listed in the LQ45 index in the 2015 - 2018 period, 2) Companies listed in the LQ45 index in the 2015 - 2018 period have website address that can be accessed, 3) Publishing financial information in rupiah units, 4) Having stock trading frequency ≥ 75 times in each quarter during the study period. A stock is said to be active if it has a frequency of trading shares ≥ 75 times each quarter, 5) Having complete information or data used in this study. Based on the sampling criteria of 45 companies listed in LQ45, the samples of this study consisted of 31 companies. This research used a simple regression analysis. The results proved that IFR had no effect on firm value, IFR had no effect on stock prices, IFR had no effect on the frequency of stock trading, IFR had no effect on stock returns. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-05-10 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2020): No. 02 Tahun XLIV/Juli 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-01-19T03:39:37Z warta:ART
ASSESMENTPSIKOLOGI WARGA BINAAN DALAM MENGHADAPI PERSIAPAN MASA BEBAS PADA NARAPIDANA DI LEMBAGA PEMASYARAKATAN Ary Wicaksono, David Mariska Aryono, Marcella psychological conditions; prisoners This  study  aims  to  determine  the  psychological  condition  of  the  prisoners  who  are  in  the process  of  leaving  the  prison.  The  subjects  of  this  study  were  eight participants.  Data collection methods in this study were observation, interviews and several psychological tests. Data analysis in this study employed descriptive analysis in which the research was intended to provide a complete picture of the social setting of how individuals were prepared to interact with  the  community.  The  results  of  this  study  show  that  the  psychological  conditions  of  the prisoners  who  are  in  the  process  of  leaving  the  prison  are  quite  ready  to  return  to  the community,  although  there  are  still  many  things  that  require  improvement  in  order  to  be better prepared when returning to society. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIV/Januari 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-10-18T03:55:13Z warta:ART
KINERJA KEUANGAN LEMBAGA KEUANGAN KELURAHAN PATIHAN KECAMATAN MANGUHARJO KOTA MADIUN PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Desanto Wiwoho, Rino pandemic period; financial performance; LKK The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia since 2019 has been a difficult time for most people. The impact of the pandemic is affecting all sectors. The pandemic also affects the economy. The economic slowdown was felt in almost all economic sectors, especially starting from the second quarter of 2019. Therefore, it was deemed necessary to look at the financial performance of LKK Patihan both during the pandemic and during the pre-pandemic period. Data was obtained from Patihan LKK in the form of financial statements of December 31, 2018, 2019, and 2020. The data were analyzed using the Liquidity Ratio, Activity Ratio, Profitability Ratio, and Solvency Ratio. Based on the four ratio analysis, it was known that during the pandemic, Patihan LKK's financial performance did not experience a significant decline. During the pandemic, LKK Patihan's liquidity ratio increased. The activity ratio was known to increase in 2019 and decrease in 2020. From the profitability ratio, it was known that the percentage of profit generated from total assets was decreasing. The percentage of profit generated from total capital was decreasing, while the solvency ratio was increasing. It is expected that the profitability ratio can be increased by converting uncollectible receivables into cash. With sufficient cash, it is possible for LKK Patihan to turn cash and generate profits. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-07-18 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2021): No. 02 Tahun XLV/Juli 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2020-06-23T05:36:49Z warta:ART
PENGARUH KAPABILITAS DINAMIS, IMPLEMENTASI SAP BERBASIS AKRUAL, KUALITAS SDM TERHADAP KUALITAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN PEMERINTAH DAERAH Rustiyaningsih, Sri Mujilan, Mujilan dynamic capabilities; SAP implementation; financial statements This study aimed to examine the effect of dynamic capabilities, accrual-based SAP implementation, and quality of human resources on the quality of local government financial reports. The samples in this study were employees in the regional apparatus organization (OPD) ofMadiun City that are directly related to the use and presentation of financial statements, namely the authority of the budget user, to the agency/office, employees in the accounting and finance division (treasurer). The sampling technique used purposive sampling with employee criteria in Madiun City OPD directly related to financial reporting, namely budget users, cusa budget users, treasurers, and the accounting department. The tests used multiple regression and path analysis.The results showed that dynamic capabilities, accrual-based SAP implementation and HR quality significantly influence the quality of financial statements. Dynamic capability has a direct effect on the quality of financial statements and is also proven to have an indirect effect on the quality of financial statements through the implementation of accrual-based SAP. Testing the variable elements of dynamic capabilities, and the results of learning capabilities and sensing capabilities affect the financial statements. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 02 Tahun XLIII/Juli 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-08-19T07:11:16Z warta:ART
ANALISIS LAPORAN KEUANGAN USAHA MIKRO KECIL MENENGAH (UMKM) PRODUK FASHION HIJAB DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN STANDAR AKUNTANSI KEUANGAN ENTITAS MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH (SAK EMKM) Nurul Khotimah, Siti Wiranti, Ayu Wahyuningsih, Wahyuningsih Salsabila, Amelia Prasetyo, Adhy Yulfajar, Amrina Financial Statements; Micro; Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs); SAK EMKM The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the national economy to a global recession. One of the business sectors affected by the Covid-19 pandemic is MSMEs which are also the reason for the decline in economic conditions in Indonesia. MSME is a business sector that has economic contribution to Indonesia's GDP by 61.1%. However, many business actors are unaware of the importance of recording each financial transaction of its business to see and analyze their business developments regularly. This study aimed to analyze the financial statements of Latusha Hijab MSME by taking into account the Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SAK EMKM). The object of this research was Latusha Hijab, a new MSME in the field of hijab fashion. The data collection used observation and interview methods. The results showed that the recording of financial reports by Latusha Hijab was not in accordance with the principles of the SAK EMKM. Therefore, further assistance was necessary to provide additional knowledge and skills regarding how to record financial reports correctly and properly. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-08-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 1 (2021): No. 01 Tahun XLV / Januari 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2019-11-16T01:52:24Z warta:ART
ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI INTERNET FINANCIAL AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING (IFSR) PADA PERUSAHAAN PERAIH INDONESIAN SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING AWARD (ISRA) TAHUN 2017 Purbandari, Theresia Immanuela, Intan ISRA, IFSR, profitability, leverage This study aims to prove empirically that size, profitability, leverage, and outside party ownership structures influence the internet financial and sustainability reporting. The data used in this study was the winner of the Indonesian Sustainability Reporting Award in 2017. The sampling technique was purposive sampling and data obtained as many as 25 companies that met the sample criteria. Hypothesis testing technique is multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis test results indicate that size, profitability, leverage, and outside party ownership structures do not affect the internet financial and sustainability reporting. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-01-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIII/Januari 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-08-19T06:51:31Z warta:ART
PENGARUH KONSEP DIRI DAN KEMATANGAN VOKASIONAL TERHADAP PEMILIHAN KARIER SISWA Trisuko Nugroho, Felix self-concept; vocational maturity; student career choices This study aimed to analyze the effect of self-concept and vocational maturity on student career choices. The sample of this study was all students of SMA St. Bonaventura Madiun class XI in the academic year 2019/2020, totaling 97 students. The sampling technique was saturated sampling. The data were obtained using the scale questionnaire method, namely the student career choices scale, self-concept scale, and vocational maturity scale. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression techniques. Self-concept and vocational maturity had an effect of 58,8% on student career choices. The result of the first minor hypothesis was 4,050 (p 0,05), the second minor hypothesis was 2,790 (p 0,05), and the major hypothesis was 10,887 (p 0,05). Thus, it could be stated that Ho was rejected, and Ha was accepted, which meant that self-concept and vocational maturity had a significant effect on student career choices.   Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 1 (2021): No. 01 Tahun XLV / Januari 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-05-10T02:33:23Z warta:ART
ANALISIS LAYANAN BK DI SMK GAMALIEL PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Sri Rahayu, Dwi guidance and counseling service; Covid-19 The changes in learning system due to the spread of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) have an impact on the provision of guidance and counseling services. This study aimed (1) to find out the media which were used to carry out online guidance and counseling services, (2) to find out the obstacles which were experienced when implementing guidance and counseling services during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun, (3) to find out the alternatives which were implemented by the counselors of guidance and counseling services. The respondents were all of the guidance and counseling teachers in SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun consisted of three persons. Data were collected using questionnaires. Data analysis used the model of Miles and Huberman. The results obtained were (1) the media used in online guidance and counseling services during Covid-19 pandemic period were Whatsapp, Email, Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, and Google Classroom, (2) the difficulties experienced in implementing online guidance and counseling services were unstable networks, internet usage that took up the quota, and the challenges in creating a conducive service atmosphere during Work From Home, (3) the alternatives implemented by the counselors were studying the applications other than Whatsapp and giving more emphasis on the principles of guidance and counseling. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-07-10 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2020): No. 02 Tahun XLIV/Juli 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-01-19T03:31:51Z warta:ART
ASPEK MATEMATIS PADA SENI KERAJINAN GERABAH KASONGAN Rahayu Maya Sari, Ana Easti mathematical aspects; Kasongan earthenware art The purpose of this research is to find out the mathematical aspects in every field of life that are influenced   by   Kasongan   earthenware   art.   The   subjects   of   this   study   were   traditional earthenware artisans, modern earthenware artisans, and carving craftsmen. The object of this research  is  the  activity  of  earthenware  producers.  The  type  of  this  research  is  a  qualitative descriptive study and it was analyzed based on qualitative data analysis techniques. The data are in the form of interviews. The data validation of this study applied triangulation of sources. The  results  of  this  study  are  in  the  form  of  mathematical  activities  found  in  the  activities  of Kasongan  craftsmen  in  the  process  of  making  earthenware  vessels  in  general  in  Bangunjiwo Village,  Kasihan  District,  Bantul  Regency,  DIY  Province,  include  1)  land  management,  2) earthenware formation, 3) drying, 4) burning and 5) marketing. Each activity is described to see  the  mathematical  aspects  contained  therein  by  using  the  guidelines  of  six  fundamental mathematical aspects according to Alan J Bishop. Overall mathematical activities contained in each  of  these  craftsmen  activities  include  1)  Counting:  finger  and  body  counting,  accuracy, approximation,powers,  2)  Location:  environmental  location,  straight  and  curved  lines, mapping,  linkages,  circles,  ellipse,  3)  Measuring:  estimation,  length,  area,  volume,  time, temperature , weight, ordering, qualities, estimation, money, 4) Designing: design, shape, form, aesthetics,  objects  compared  to  properties  of  form,  large,  small,  similarity,  congruence, properties  of  shapes,  common  geometric  shapes,  surfaces,  symmetry,  proportion,  ratio,  scale-model enlargements, rigidity of shapes, 5) Playing: fun, modeling, imagined reality, rule-bound activity,  procedures,  chances,  prediction  plan  strategy,  and  6)  Explaining:  similarities,  story explanation, linguistic explanations, symbolic explanations. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIV/Januari 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-10-18T03:47:33Z warta:ART
ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN BAHASA DALAM SLOGAN POLITIK DAN KANDUNGAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER Adhani, Agnes Meilasari, Priska language; sentence; communicative act; character building; political slogan The aims of this research are to know the language varieties that are used, to describe the sentence construction, to reveal the communicative act, and to expose the contended charactereducation in political slogans. This is a descriptive qualitative research on 37 political slogans retrieved from news, political portal, or political party’s website on internet. From this research, it is shown that (1) the language varieties that are used in political slogan: 28 data of Indonesian langauge, 7 data of slang expressions, 1 datum of Javanesse language, and 1 data of English language, (2) the sentence constructions that are applied are 20 data of exclamative sentences, 11 data of declarative sentences, 5 data of imperative sentences, and 1 datum of interogative sentence, (3) communicative acts that are shown in 37 data is clasiffied into asserting (20 data), suggesting (11 data), and inviting (6 data), (4)  there are 7 educational values found in political slogans, they are (a) 11 data of caring values, (b) 8 data of creative values, (c) 6 data of tough values, (d) 4 data of nasionalism values, (e) 3 data of politeness and communicativeness value, (f) 3 data of religious values, and (g) 2 data of honesty values. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-07-18 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2021): No. 02 Tahun XLV/Juli 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2020-06-23T05:26:14Z warta:ART
PEMBELAJARAN DAN BAHAN AJAR MATEMATIKA PADA SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA DI MALANG DITINJAU DARI TEORI PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA REALISTIK Manopo, Manopo instruction; textbook; realistic mathematics education Instruction conducted by teacher and textbook used by students in school have significant role for success in mathematical learning. Mathematics’ instruction is a learning process built by teacher for developing student’s creativity to improve thinking skill and  the ability to construct a new knowledge as an effort to understand mathematical subject. On the other side, a textbook is a material used to assist teachers on conducting learning process at school.According to PISA’s study, the ability of secondary students in Indonesia in solving mathematical problems which relate to daily life, is still low. This issue may be caused by the instruction and  the textbook in school which do not support the problem solving skill.This research was conducted using observation method on the instruction and the textbook used in eight secondary schools in Malang. The result of observation was compared to Realistic Mathematics Education theory which had five characterictics to supporting student’s skill for solving realistic problems.The result of this research showed the mathematics learning and the textbooks used in the schools did not fit into Realistic Mathematics Education theory yet. The learning in school does not support students’ skill to solve contextual problems and the textbooks used do not supportstudents on practicing in solving problems. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 02 Tahun XLIII/Juli 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-08-19T07:06:20Z warta:ART
ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN TRANSFORMASIONAL LEADERSHIP, SERVANT LEADERSHIP, DAN AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP DALAM PERSPEKTIF ETIS Agustini Srimulyani, Veronika Servant leadership; authentic leadership; ethical leadership This research was a literature study that aimed to review the results of scientific research on several approaches to leadership and its development by providing comparisons of transformational leadership, servant leadership, and authentic leadership with ethical leadership. This research showed that the top management of the organization to adopt and demonstrate ethical leadership behavior, because it specifically focused on the moral and ethical aspects of leadership behavior, while the transformational, servant, and authentic leaders did not specifically focus on the ethical aspect. It was possible because it depended on the moral values of these leaders. For further leadership research, it is recommended to conduct ethical leadership research. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 1 (2021): No. 01 Tahun XLV / Januari 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2019-11-16T01:46:08Z warta:ART
ANALISIS PENERAPAN BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK UNTUK MEREDUKSI PERILAKU SEKS BEBAS DI KALANGAN REMAJA Yeni Susilaningsih, Chaterina Sri Rahayu, Dwi Group Guidance, Free Sex, Adolescence Adolescents are a stage of full human development. In completing this development task, teenagers are faced with various challenges. One of the challenges faced by adolescents is tempted by promiscuity. Because at this age the individual has a high curiosity and a feeling of wanting to experiment. So that teenagers are easy to do things that are deviant, one example is free sex. Therefore, counselors have a high contribution to the development of healthy adolescents. Counselors can provide group guidance services to students on topics that discuss the effects or dangers of free sex and other information about the dimensions of human sexuality. Through group guidance services, students' knowledge of the impact or danger of premarital sexual relations increases. Students will understand the negative effects of free sex, such as pregnancy outside marriage, dropping out of school, contracting sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS, syphilis, and the like. Furthermore, if students know and understand all the effects of free sex, students are able to distance themselves and not take actions that lead to promiscuity and free sex. The group guidance techniques that have been proven effective to improve students' understanding of the impact or danger of free sex include (1) Focus Group Discussion (FGD), (2) Modeling symbollic, (3) Discussion, (4) Bibliotherapy, (5) Tasks , (6) Home Room, and (7) Faith-Based Harmony. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-01-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIII/Januari 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-05-10T02:43:04Z warta:ART
HUBUNGAN ANTARA SELF-ESTEEM DAN RESILIENSI PADA MAHASISWA PERANTAUAN DI UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK WIDYA MANDALA SURABAYA KAMPUS KOTA MADIUN Mariska Aryono, Marcella Tyas Leylasari, Herdina self-esteem; resilience; overseas student This study aimed to determine the relationship between self-esteem and resilience among overseas students' at the Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya in Madiun Campus. This research used quantitative research with correlational methods. The samples of this study were 36 overseas students studying at the Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya in Madiun Campus. Data collection tools used in this study were Coopersmith Self-esteem Inventory and Connor-Davidson Resilience scale. Data analysis methods used were Product Moment correlation analysis and linear regression analysis. The data analysis results showed a close correlation between self-esteem and resilience among overseas students at the Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya in Madiun Campus. The relationship established was strong and positive in the same direction as indicated by a correlation coefficient of .674 at the significance level of .01 and R2 = .454 (F = 28.258; p = .000). It showed that there was a significant relationship between self-esteem and resilience among overseas students Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-07-10 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2020): No. 02 Tahun XLIV/Juli 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-01-19T03:40:34Z warta:ART
PENERAPAN VISUAL SCHEDULEUNTUK MENINGKATKAN ACTIVITY OF DAILY LIVING SKILLPADA ANAK GANGGUAN SPEKTRUM AUTIS Anwar Dani, Robik Tyas Leylasari, Herdina visual schedule; activity of daily living; Autism Spectrum Disorder The objective of this research was to examine the effectiveness of visual schedule for increasing activity  of  daily  living  skill  of  children  with  autism  spectrum disorder.  Single-case  research method with A-B-A design was applied in this research. The subjects of the experiment was a seven-year-old  children  who  was  diagnosed  with  autism  spectrum  disorder.  An  activity  of daily living scale was used for data collecting in this experiment. The measurement was taken as   follows:   at   the   first   baseline,   the   treatment,   and   the   second   baseline.   Descriptive quantitative analysis method with graph trend analysis was used for data analysis. The result of  data  analysis  show  thatthere  is  an  increasing  in  the  activity  of  daily  living  scores  of  the subject.  In  conclusion,  the  visual  schedule  method  is  able  to  increase  activity  of  daily  living skill of children with autism spectrum disorder. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIV/Januari 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-10-18T03:55:58Z warta:ART
PEMAAFAN DALAM TINDAK PENGANIAYAAN Fitriyatinur, Qurnia forgiveness, persecution This study discusses forgiveness and its relation to criminal acts of persecution from the legal and psychological aspects, so it is hoped that there will be a new discourse in law that puts forward normative aspects and at the same time it does not forget the substantive aspects of the law. By examining victims of abuse that were tailored to the needs of research and the substantive linkages between law and psychology, it was elaborated in relation to efforts to discourse on new laws in acts of persecution based on a psychological approach, in this case forgiveness. Fundamental problems in the field of law in Indonesia are law-making and law enforcement. One alternative that can be done is to forgive in an action. Forgiveness is basically the choice of someone who becomes a victim in an action or an offense. If it is reviewed more deeply, especially on the psychological aspect, forgiveness is a way that can be used to reconcile the relationship between the perpetrators of acts of persecution and victims of persecution. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-07-18 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2021): No. 02 Tahun XLV/Juli 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2020-06-23T05:39:13Z warta:ART
ANALISIS MUTU PELAYANAN PETUGAS FARMASI DAN KETERSEDIAAN OBAT TERHADAP KEPUASAN PASIEN RAWAT JALAN DI RS SANTA CLARA MADIUN TAHUN 2019 Nurcahyani, Diah Kartikaningrum, Vidya Service Quality; availability of drugs; Patients’ Satisfaction Service quality, pharmaceutical providers, and the availability of medicines determine the outpatients’ satisfaction in the Department of Hospital Pharmaceutical Installation (IFRS). The phenomena, found in RS Santa Clara Madiun, are that and patients usually wait too long to get medicines, and the presence of empty drugs. The objective of the research was to find out the influence of the service quality pharmaceutical providers and the availability of medicines on the outpatients’ satisfaction in RS Santa Clara, in June 2019h . The research was a cross sectional method on 100 outpatients, using accidental sampling technique. The data were gathered by using questionnaires and analyzed by using bilinear regression test (α= 0,05). The result of the research showed that the variables of pharmaceutical providers and the availability of medicines influenced patients’ satisfaction (p 0.005). The variable of the availability of medicines had the most dominant influence on outpatients’ satisfaction at the coefficient value of (β) 0.853). It is recommended that the management of RS Santa Clara Madiun furnish the availability of medicines and the facility of the IFRS waiting rooms, and pharmaceutical providers increase the dimension of the guarantee in order to improve the performance of the pharmaceutical providers and the information service about medicines. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 02 Tahun XLIII/Juli 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-10-18T03:40:56Z warta:ART
GAMBARAN PENGUASAAN KETERAMPILAN TEKNIK KOMUNIKASI DASAR KONSELING PASTORAL PADA MAHASISWA STKIP WIDYA YUWANA MADIUN, PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KATOLIK Widodo, Bernardus pastoral counseling; basic communication techniques of counseling In the context of Pastoral Counseling services, mastery of basic communication technique skills is very important for a prospective pastoral officer to understand and master. The research objective was to describe the mastery of basic communication techniques skills in pastoral counseling and the benefits of supporting pastoral tasks. The research subjects were the fourth-semester students of STKIP Widya Yuwana Madiun in 2018/2019 who had passed the Pastoral Counseling course, totaling 37 students. From the results of the study, it could be concluded that the student's mastery of 13 basic technical skills of communication in pastoral counseling, 10 of them were good categories, with an average of 84.06%, namely the opening technique, structuring, attending, acceptance, reflection of feelings, exploration, confronting, questioning, reassurance and advice. Meanwhile, the other 3 techniques were categorized as not being sufficiently mastered by students, with an average of 66.67%, namely the techniques of reflection of meaning, restatement, and paraphrasing. Furthermore, in terms of usefulness, it showed that of the 15 randomly selected subjects, the pastoral counseling course was very useful and supportive for the task of pastoral care. Suggestions for development based on research results, namely the need for continuous sharpening and independent training so that students are more skilled in applying basic communication techniques for pastoral counseling.   Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-07-18 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2021): No. 02 Tahun XLV/Juli 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2019-11-16T01:56:10Z warta:ART
INSTAGRAM TRANSLATION MACHINE: HOW PROBLEMATIC IS IT? Meilasari, Priska translation machine, Instagram caption, translation problems Mesin penerjemah begitu marak akhir-akhir ini. Salah satunya adalah yang terintegrasi dalam aplikasi Instagram. Namun, seperti halnya mesin penerjemah lain, mesin penerjemah pada Instagram ini pun belum berhasil menerjemahkan suatu text sebaik penerjemah manusia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa bermasalah hasil terjemahan mesin penerjemah ini dengan melihat teknik penerjemahan apa yang dipakai. Teknik penerjemahan yang dipakai dalam analisis adalah 18 teknik penerjemahan Molina dan Albir. Dengan mengetahui kesalahan pilihan teknik penerjemahan, peneliti kemudian dapat memberikan saran penerjemahan dengan mengaplikasikan teknik yang tepat. Sehingga, focus kedua dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan saran penerjemahan pada permasalahan terjemahan. Data penelitian ini adalah 48 caption dari akun Instagram @detikhot. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis dokumen sementara teknik analisis data adalah dengan membandingkan teks dalam bahasa sumber dan bahasa sasaran untuk melihat permasalahan yang ada dalam penerjemahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir keseluruhan hasil terjemahan bermasalah karena penggunaan teknik penerjemahan yang tidak tepat. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-01-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIII/Januari 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-08-19T06:53:37Z warta:ART
Implikatur Wacana Iklan Rokok dan Pemanfaatannya dalam Pembelajaran Berbahasa Djokowidodo, Agustinus advertising; discourse; conventional implicature; non-conventional implicature, language learning Every company that produces goods and services will undoubtedly be able to sell its product to the public. Many companies introduce their products using advertising facilities. One of them is cigarette advertising. This research was limited to the description of the cigarette advertising discourse to obtain a more in-depth picture of the types of speech, the implicature in the cigarette advertisement discourse, and to gain insight into the use of this implicature in the language learning process. The data in this study was the discourse in cigarette advertisements on television recorded from April to August 2018, which were then transcribed into written sentences. The results showed that the discourse on cigarette advertisements often seemed incompatible with the advertised cigarette products. All cigarette product advertisements with symbolic languages invited the audience to dream, drift and imagine a pleasure or enjoyment that ultimately wanted to consume the product offered. The sentence used was an implicature utterance. The implicature contained in the cigarette advertisement discourse consisted of two kinds, namely conventional implicature, and non-conventional implicature. Of the two types of implicatures, only conventional ones could be used as a means of language learning, especially in terms of language sensitivity through satire, the substitution of harsh words. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 1 (2021): No. 01 Tahun XLV / Januari 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2019-11-16T01:39:08Z warta:ART
PERILAKU SEKSUAL REMAJA DITINJAU DARI FREKUENSI DALAM MENGAKSES KONTEN PORNOGRAFI Cahyadi, Andi frequency of accessing pornographic content, sexual behavior, adolescents This study aimed to determine the relationship between the frequency of accessing pornographic content towards adolescents sexual behavior. The subjects of this study were 90 adolescent students who attendedCatholicPharmacy vocational school of Bina Farma Madiun. The measuring instrument used was the scale of frequency in accessing pornographic content and the scale of adolescentssexual behavior. Data analysis method used in this research was regression analysis of SPSS program version 22. Based on the results of calculation analysis obtained there was a correlation coefficient r = 0,042, in which R² = 0,034. This meant that there was a positive relationship between adolescents sexual behavior with frequency in accessing pornographic content, with effective contribution variable of 3.4%. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2019-11-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIII/Januari 2019 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-05-10T02:35:27Z warta:ART
ASPEK-ASPEK KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KOMPUTASIONAL DALAM PENYELESAIAN MASALAH MATEMATIKA Dian, Mariani mathematics; problem-solving; computational thinking skill Problem-solving process, according to Polya, is divided into four main stages, namely understanding the problem, determining the strategy, implementing the strategy and evaluating. Computational thinking skill is a thinking skill that is built based on the computational process conducted by humans or machines. The purpose of this research was to find the aspects of computational thinking in mathematics problem-solving. This research was literature research, while the method used in this research was descriptive-qualitative. The data that were collected and processed had computational thinking skill and problem-solving topics. The results of this research were the algorithmic thinking aspect appeared in every step of problem-solving. The logical thinking aspects appeared in understanding the problem, determining the strategy, and implementing the strategy. Efficiency and innovative thinking aspects appeared in the evaluating stage. Then, every stage in mathematics problem-solving also had the computational thinking skill aspects. The better a person's skill in each stage of the problem-solving process, then his computational thinking skills would also increase. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-07-10 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2020): No. 02 Tahun XLIV/Juli 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-01-19T03:33:17Z warta:ART
KERAPATAN STOMATA DAN KAITANNYA TERHADAP KEKERINGAN PADA TANAMAN PADI VARIETAS IR64 Rahabistara Sumadji, Angga IR64; drought stress; stomata Stomata plays an important role as a tool for plant adaptation to drought stress. Rice plants adapt to drought stress by reducing the size of the stomata and the number of stomata. This study  aims  to  determine  the  relationship  between  stomata  density  and  drought  resistancein IR64  rice    variety.  The  research  method  is  conducted  by  observing  stomata  varieties  of  IR64 rice  which  was  treated  with  drought  stress  treatment.  The  results  of  the  research  show  that IR64 rice variety has a better level of resistance to drought because IR64 rice variety has low stomata density and stomata index. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2020-01-19 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; No. 01 Tahun XLIV/Januari 2020 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng 2021-10-18T03:48:58Z warta:ART
ANALISIS MANAJEMEN DAN STRATEGI USAHA SAMBAL PECEL (Studi Kasus Kelompok Usaha Sambal Pecel Dasa Wisma Delima dan Larasati Madiun) Putri Handayani, Wahyu Prabawati Vinsensius Widdy Tri Prasetyo, Vinsensius Widdy Tri Prasetyo business management; business strategy; sambal pecel This research discussed comprehensively the startup strategy of the sambal pecel group of Dasa Wisma Delima, Mojorejo, and Larasati, Taman Madiun City. The business strategy was analyzed by using the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix, the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix, the Strength-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) matrix, and the Internal-External (IE) matrix. Three indicators of on-time delivery, production planning based on-demand analysis, and business infrastructure showed good performance results. Meanwhile, other indicators that needed attention were the accuracy of production cost estimates, the accuracy of revenue planning, the accuracy of technology availability, and the accuracy of predicting the average demand. Based on the SWOT analysis, we had formulated 4 (four) business strategies consisted of business development strategies by utilizing funding facilities and cooperation between shops and universities (SO strategy), increasing production capacity through business funding facilities from the government (WO strategy), product differentiation based on experience and training to develop a business (ST strategy), and brand mindedness and production efficiency by taking into account price fluctuations and quality of raw materials (WT strategy). Therefore, the recommended strategy from the IE matrix was a Hold and Maintain strategy that was achieved by applying market penetration and product development strategies. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Kota Madiun 2021-07-18 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Widya Warta; Vol 2 (2021): No. 02 Tahun XLV/Juli 2021 2338-9265 0854-1981 eng