Humaniora Scientia online journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation is published by the English Department of Catholic University of Widya Mandala Madiun. It is published twice in a year, every March and September. This journal accepts any research on linguistics, literature and translation. It is also possible for language teaching research to be included into the journal. Humaniora Scientia is indexed by Google Schoolar.
Table of Contents
Humaniora Scientia
Eda Maaliah, Ita Permatasari, Yulius Harry Widodo, Muhyiddin Aziz
Ita Permatasari, Muhyiddin Aziz
Sekar Setyaning Arum, eko budi setiawan
Titik Rahayu, Imam Mudofir, Alief Sutantohadi
Vienita Putri, Christina Maya Iriana Sari
Wendy Sambada Diakanova, Rr. Arielia Yustisiana
Yermia Immanuel Hendry Yanuarda, Eko Budi Setiawan